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Keychain Qr-code Digital Bible App

Keychain Qr-code Digital Bible App

Average Customer Rating:

Sailors from Ukraine, Philippines, India are very surprised about the Keychain Bible. How beautiful!
Theo en Yvonne van Zuilekom posted on 07/09/2021
Sailors from Ukraine, Philippines, India and other countries were once again delighted with the Interactive Sailor Bible. Also, they always want the Keychain Qr-code Bibles and often ask for a few extra for their wife or family far away at home! Last Sunday I was allowed to lead a service on board a cruise ship. This was the first time a church service was held aboard this ship. Crew members who couldn't make it hope to be able to attend next time. This Cruise Ship will stay in Amsterdam until April next year and because the service apparently went well, they now want to organize a church service on board every month. Of course, everyone in the service got an Interactive Sailor Bible, so they could read along with me when I opened the Bible. They were very surprised about the Keychain Bible. How beautiful! They have good internet there, so that's a good thing.
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