
Project CityBibles South Africa

South Africa is truly a special place where the gospel bears fruit. Both the “Dare-to-Love” movement and the Yeshua SA organization that we support reach the entire population with City Bibles and John’s Gospels. They do this through street evangelism, but also through food packages to the poor.
And not to forget the prison evangelization of Freek Vermaak. This implies that we are again preparing a container full of Interactive City Bibles and interactive Gospels of John for South Africa.


We are also developing new areas such as Russia / Belarus and Ukraine. At the moment we are preparing a print of between 100,000 and 200,000 Interactive Bibles and John Gospels. We often have problems with the transport and clearance of our City Bibles in various countries. We pray that God protects His Word and brings it to the hungry souls.
We thank God for all volunteers and employees, for supporters and for all the innovation He works through all of us.
We pray for a fruitful spread of His Word worldwide.
Keep on praying for this important work in these troubled times until… ..He comes!

All the Bibles that we have received from you have been distributed with great happiness and reverence! I have sent it to various Biker Churches and Biker Ministries across South Africa from Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London, Durban, Bloemfontein, Klerksdorp, Johannesburg, West Rand, East Rand, Pretoria, Sabie etc! I have even sent some to Namibia for Biker ministries over there! How awesome is that!

We have distributed it without any cost or selling any of the Bibles. Most Bikers found it very strange as they say: ‘Nothing is for free!’ Which then gave us a wonderful opportunity to tell them of the love of Jesus, repentance of sin and being forgiven through Him who has died on the cross. And this salvation of Jesus is free, just as the Biker Bible is free, for everyone who wants it!

It was an amazing experience but at the same time so humbling to see how many of the bikers had tears in their eyes as they took their Biker Bible, paged through it and put it in their biker jackets!

We had plenty of requests for Bibles but we have none more to give out to the various ministries.It would be incredible if we could have some more for distribution. So YES YES YES if you can spare us some!


Again my assurance that no Bibles will be sold and that every single Bible will be distributed and handed out free of charge! I do not think you have any idea of how big a blessing these Biker Bibles were, and still are, to thousands of Bikers who received them…


Blessings in Jesus’ name, Johan

All our Biker Bibles have been distributed. It is amazing to see the hunger many bikers have for the Word of God! We have a few left (less than 100!) and I keep them at the West Rand Bikers Church!


We are still so blessed by you blessing us with the Biker Bible. And as a fact – we have sowed every one of them – we have not sold one! It makes me happy to be able to say this, as many years ago before coming to know Jesus, I would do anything to make money! But now the happiness inside by distributing these Bibles and seeing the faces of the recipients – no money can buy that.

Project South Africa

Four out of five South Africans belong to a Christian church or organization. It is therefore no surprise that Christianity is the most widely adhered to in South Africa. Only six percent of the South African population belongs to Islam, Judaism or Hinduism. A mere 5% of the entire South African population has no specific religion. A religious ‘mix’ is also possible: many South Africans combine their Christian or Islamic faith with the traditional African faith. The African indigenous churches therefore still have many adherents.

Here too, Bibles are widely distributed by City Bibles. Even in prisons people are converted. Fantastic.


Vier op de vijf Zuid-Afrikanen behoren tot een christelijke kerk of organisatie. Het is dan ook geen verrassing dat het Christendom dan ook het meest aangehangen geloof is in Zuid-Afrika.  Slechts zes procent van de Zuid-Afrikaanse bevolking behoort toe tot de Islam, Jodendom of het Hindoeïsme. Een luttele 5 % van de gehele Zuid-Afrikaanse bevolking heeft geen specifieke geloofsovertuiging. Een religieuze ‘mix’ kan ook: veel Zuid-Afrikanen combineren hun Christelijke of Islamitische geloof met het traditionele Afrikaanse geloof. De Afrikaanse inheemse kerken hebben dan ook altijd nog veel aanhangers. Ook hier worden bijbels door City Bibles wijd verspreid. Zelfs in gevangen issen komen mensen tot bekering. Fantastisch.