
Project CityBibles Greece

We thank the beloved brothers who support the LUKAS FOUNDATION, through, we got the City Bibles in Arabic and some Bibles in Farsi to evangelize the refugees and migrants.

We recognise that without their offering and help, we would never be able to be useful to these needy persons, who have the right to know Jesus and His salvation.

I think that there is a big need to have more New Testaments in more languages like Farsi, Urdu, Bagla, and of course Arabic. As now the people have stopped going to western countries, we have the chance to find them in our own country and evangelize them, giving them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Now, I bless you all the partipators in this big action, as a slave of the Lord for ever, and I greet You in His wonderful Grace.

Your brother in Jesus Christ and cooperator with the saints of the Lord.

Mimis Lignos

Dear Peter & Els,

We are very thenkful to our Lord for you and for everything you do in your activity  for the project of ”City Bible” .

You are  for us very big and good help in our activities,we need to pray for us how to manage all these.

For your information about the C.B ,we have about 250 pcs and this quantity is  enough for the next 6 mounths.

I do not know if you want to ask other cities (churches )if they need more and when.Can I sent your e-mail to the 

responds persons to ask them or you have done this?

If we are in the next year 2013 in Lord will,that year is very important to have and to see the result.

May the Lord bless you and us, to wait for His fruitfulness.

In His Name


Review City Bible Patras GR


Brothers Peter and Els God bless you and we wish happy new year. We continue to distribute the City Bible every 2 weeks and go well by the grace of God. I don’t  know yet if we will need more bibles for this year. 

God with you!

Mike Zykos